Thursday, August 18, 2011

Guess how old is Ferrari 125 S

Ferrari 125 S is the first model that automaker Ferrari produced. It first debut was on May 11, 1947 at the Piacenza racing circuit.125 S is a racing sport car with 1.5 L V12 engine. This engine produced 118bhp (74 kW) at 7,000 rpm with a compression ratio of 8.5:1. Can you guess how old is this Ferra...

Guess how old is Nokia 3210

Remember the times when cell phones were huge and heavy and you could only send text messages and call with them? Well, Nokia 3210 is something similiar. The Nokia 3210 was very popular cell phone. With 160 million units sold, the Nokia 3210 was one of the most popular and successful phones in history. Nokia made a good job with it. The Nokia 3210 has a total weight of 153g, so it is pretty heavy. What do you think how old it ...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Guess how old is Chuck Norris

What do you think how old it is probably the most famous person and surely the person who have most jokes about itself - Chuck TheOnlyOne Norris ;...

Guess how old is the most expensive house in the world

This house was a home of the George II. eldest son. House was sold for stunning 159 million euros. Building has at least ten rooms, equipped with separate bathrooms. There are original fireplaces and decorated windows. House is supposedly haunted by the spirit of Mary Blandy which was accused in 1752. for poisoning her father. Guess how old is this house. Try to do it without a help of search engines ...

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